【書摘】在少女們身旁與少女們的情誼 (Friendship with Girls) 19
......l’aspect des êtres, comme celui des mers, dépendant de ces nuées à peine visibles qui changent la couleur de chaque chose, par leur concentration, leur mobilité, leur dissémination, leur fuite – comme celle qu’Elstir avait déchirée un soir en ne me présentant pas aux jeunes filles avec qui il s’était arrêté, et dont les images m’étaient soudain apparues plus belles quand elles s’éloignaient – nuée qui s’était reformée quelques jours plus tard quand je les avais connues, voilant leur éclat, s’interposant souvent entre elles et mes yeux, opaque et douce, pareille à la Leucothoé de Virgile.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

(p.570 追憶似水年華 II 在少女們身旁 聯經版 1992)

……我們見到的每個人的外貌,有如大海的景觀一樣,取決於幾乎難以看見的大片雲層,雲層的凝聚、浮動、擴散和飛逝,賦予一切事物以不同的色彩——正如那天傍晚,埃爾斯蒂爾停下腳步和那些少女交談 (但沒把我介紹給她們) 的時候,他驅散了一片烏雲,這些少女離我們而去時,她們在我眼裡驟然變得那麼美麗——幾天過後跟她們相識時,雲層重又形成,遮蔽住她們的光亮,滯留在她們和我的眼晴之間,霧也似的輕柔,有如維吉爾筆下的琉科亞。
(p.342 追尋逝去的時光 II 在少女花影下 第二部 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

……the appearance of people like that of seas being dependent on those clouds, themselves barely visible, which change the colour of everything by their concentration, their mobility, their dissemination, their flight—like that cloud which Elstir had rent one evening by not introducing me to these girls, with whom he had stopped to talk, whereupon their forms, as they moved away, had suddenly increased in beauty—a cloud that had formed again a few days later when I did get to know the girls, veiling their brightness, interposing itself frequently between my eyes and them, opaque and soft, like Virgil’s Leucothea.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

……as the appearance of each person seen, like that of each day’s new sea, is modified by those barely visible clouds which, by their density and changeableness, their distribution across the sky and their impermanence, can alter the colors of all things, like the cloud that Elstir had banished on the evening when he failed to introduce me to the group of girls with whom he had paused to talk, and whose figures, as they started to move away from me, had immediately begun to seem more beautiful
a cloud that had re-formed a few days later, once I had met them, muting the glow of their loveliness, often passing between them and my eyes, which saw them now dimmed, as through a gentle haze, reminiscent of Virgil’s Leucothea.
(Translated by James Grieve)

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